Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Satellite Space Land - ISO 3200

The Satellite Space Land - FTM


  1. Nice! So how'd you guys go about metering that? Concert lighting can be such a bear. Were you "official" and thus could snag an incident reading from the stage beforehand? Or did you have to use other means?

    I see you were using the 500T…you couldn't have been too stealthy with 250-frame bulk loaders hanging off your F3!

  2. This looks classy. Did you push as well or dev normally?

  3. @Matt: Light meter app for the iPhone!

    @Anonymous: Yes, we push processed it to ISO3200 at Richard Photo Lab. Metered the same as the shots here http://www.flickr.com/photos/bwrightphoto/5242748546/sizes/o/in/photostream/
    but you can't push it anymore than 3 stops. So no ISO 12000 sadly.

  4. Also, the lights were unbelievably dark on stage. Other nights I went to Spaceland and they use a bunch of LED panels, but they didn't turn them on for some reason. Perfect for our test!

  5. Great shots, this site is now my go-to photo blog.

  6. these came out incredible! are they all medium format? the grain looks amazing. any ps for the grain or color or is this straight scan? I recently shot 35mm at 3200 (portra400 pushed) at a show and they were very grainy and the colors were a little wonky. but yours look really great!

  7. @Kristin: A few of them are 35mm Vision3 500T, but all the square format ones are 120 Portra. No PS for grain reduction or color. They were just adjusted in the scanning process. Color really depends on scanner operator. We wouldn't recommend pushing this film to 3200, as it is more challenging to scan, but it's just amazing that it can be done. :-)


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