Sunday, November 22, 2009

Menifee Rural - Leica Love!

Menifee Rural

These shots are from our first roll with shot with our new-to-us classic 5cm Leica Summicron collapsible lens. I absolutely love it! So small, light and fast! A beautiful piece of work! Made in Germany in the 1950s this lens kills most modern lenses with it's smooth bokeh and sharp accurate focussing. I've been carrying it around for the last two weeks on our Voigtlander Bessa R2... I never want to put it down! It's so comfortable and stylish unlike any other camera I have ever used. I can't wait to expand our M-mount Leica rangfinder collection.

1 comment:

  1. I like the work especially these shots here with the Leica lens.
    Gotta love film.


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