Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Flaming Lips


I had the great pleasure of witnessing one of the most renowned live rock bands of our day last weekend "where the surf meets the turf" in Del Mar, California. For only 6 dollars I got to win money on a horse race, exhilarating; hang out at a beer festival with friends, though I did not actually drink any myself; and see The Flaming Lips, righteous! It was so great! They have some amazing yet very strange fans as well. A lot of drug use going on. I think the girl below was on mescaline or something? It was definitely a unique experience to say the least. The giant Wayne sized hamster ball was the best! The only disappointing part was that I only brought one roll of Reala 35mm to shoot. :-( But the few shots I did get turned out really sweet! There was so much energy, the lighting was crazy and fighting through the crowd to get "the" shot was a totally empowering challenge. It all really reminded me of how much I love live music.

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