Thursday, June 11, 2009

Frank Black and F The Man

F The Man

I went to see Frank Black, Francisco The Man, and The Shys at the Detroit Bar a couple weeks ago. It definitly wasn't a Pixies show like it was advertised as, but Frank Black played some alright music with his wife. Francisco The man was awesome though! I was shooting my Mamiya C330 with 65mm f/3.5, and since I didn't have any Delta 3200 I shot on Fuji Neopan 400 and Pro H400. I light metered the brightest part of the stage at iso 1600 f/2.8 and 1/2sec. Exposed at f/3.5 and 1/15sec. That means even pushing this film 2 stops makes it underexposed -4 stops! I love film!!! Richard Photo Lab did a great Job scanning the film. Thanks Guys. I shot a few on my Nikon FE2 and 50mm 1.8 with some Lucky's Savon brand 400 pushed +2 I picked up last minute. It actually pushed pretty well. I was surprised. Anywho, here is a good example of film that was underexposed 4 stops that should have been exposed for the shadows about 2 stops over my light reading. I still got some interesting looking shots.

Frank Black
Frank Black
Frank Black

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