Saturday, May 9, 2009

Real Life | Real Film

Shot entirely on Super 8mm movie film, Lindsey and Justin's wedding was highlighted in the same fashion as their personal aesthetics. From the all vinyl soundtrack, to the handcrafted Mod apparel of the wedding party, this is a fine example of a truly analogue wedding!
Some of the stills that we shot, you'll see in here, were used for the professional DVD packaging and menus. It turned out very very classy. A nice film to spend just a few minutes and recollect the real life moments of their wedding archived on real film.

Here is a short movie put together by, our collaborator, Tim at Flicker Films LA of some work that we did together. There is some Negative film, some Reversal Black & White, and some Ektachrome in there, but it is all Super 8mm.

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