Monday, May 11, 2009

20/20 Vision

Some have asked, "Which one of you is the better photographer?" I usually laugh at that question because we are only what we are due to the influence of the other. I'm sure that we could both hold our own as solo photographers, but then we would just serve as economic competition for one another; providing two equally inferior services. Together, we are able to provide an exponentially sophisticated service, covering everything from unique perspectives with paralleled quality and style. Not to mention the inspiration and brainstorming that goes on. Some may wonder, "But how do I know there's really any difference to what other photographers provide?" The proof is in the pudding. Some photographers may hire assistant/second shooters, and others may provide a husband and wife team, but there is always a primary and an inferior. The advantage only offered by two professionally proven photographers with identical vision and experience can be exemplified here. We rarely can distinguish, with little difficulty, which one of us captured a particular image, due to the fact that we have always grown and developed together into creative maturity, always building off of each others critique and creativity (It also helps to share the same genes I guess). But here we have found 20 pairs of stereo images each that bear testament to our claims. Decide for yourself...

20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision
20/20 Vision

1 comment:

  1. my vote was 7 to 11 with two undecided pictures. of course i couldn't say who won...


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