Monday, November 24, 2008

New Toys / "I want! I want! I need! I need! Gimme gimme gimme..."

So I have recently discovered what most men in their midlife begin to struggle with. The need for TOYS! But in my case it's not boats, trucks or motorcycles... It's cameras. And instead of midlife it's mid-twenties. Don't get me wrong, I have always enjoyed getting new photography gear and often bought expensive equipment when need. The trouble now is that a lot of the camera's and gear I am lusting after I really don't need! And so I begin to get creative in my mind. I think of all sorts of paper thin excuses of why I NEED a new Rollie or Nikon rangefinder camera. It's not like i buy them or anything. I mean, if I had 3 grand in my bank I might... But no! I tell myself, "No Brandon! Pace yourself! You must spend your money on more important things... Like rent... And food!" It's good to be able to eat...
Recently I was able to convince myself that I did need a camera and bought it. I got an amazing deal too. Meet my new GS645S Fuji rangefinder. Well, he is a little shy but he is not ashamed of his work! Wow! This camera is great! It is lighter than any of my 35mm cameras but it shoots 30 frames medium format on a roll of 220! Basically I get 3 times the resolution per image and it is even more portable than my 35mm setup. So what is the practical need for such a camera you may ask? Family and large group photos at weddings. I can shoot a photo of a group of 20 people and have the ability to see in vivid detail the expression on each and every one of their beautiful smiling faces! This lens is unbelievably sharp too! And for $185 it was a steal!
John Has More Ink Than a Hell's Angel
A Discussion On...
Hopefully this one will hold me off for a while. At least until Christmas.

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